10 Silver Linings To Godawful Films

2. Arnold Schwarzenegger's Performance - Batman & Robin

Joel Schumacher's Batman and Robin is easily the worst Batman movie to date, a wretched critical and commercial failure that transformed the character into a campy punchline, and ruined the franchise until 2005, when Christopher Nolan so spectacularly resurrected it. There is, however, one bright spark amid all the terrible dialogue and, well, bat nipples, and that's Arnold Schwarzenegger's riotous portrayal of Mr. Freeze. While many will simply dismiss Schwarzenegger's performance as terrible, this feels much more out of the Raúl Juliá school of making the hammy best out of the terrible dialogue he's been given. Schwarzenegger's larger-than-life line readings of the horrendous number of ice puns he's forced to make throughout the movie are arguably the sole entertaining element of the film: he's the only actor who truly transcends the awful material and manages to be a comic delight, whereas Uma Thurman doesn't quite manage it, and George Clooney's portrayal of the Caped Crusader is too dull and serious to be much fun. Schwarzenegger, however, is just what the movie needed, a statuesque actor game to take on such awful dialogue. C'mon, who else could make the line "What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age!" so much stupid fun?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.