10 Simple Fixes That Would've Saved Terrible Recent Movies
5. The Crow - Make Eric The Crow Much, Much Earlier

A reboot of The Crow was always unasked for, and the development hell this went through suggested a dud long before the movie arrived, but there was actually an easy fix. Had this movie bothered to give audiences what they came for, it might have been more watchable.
Viewers came to see Eric/The Crow (Bill Skarsgard) wreak vengeance upon those who killed him and his beloved girlfriend... and instead, they got a film that's mostly dominated by a beyond-cringey love story between Eric and Shelley (FKA Twigs), and he only becomes the Crow in the last 30 minutes.
Ironically enough, once the picture does actually get to the revenge, it flickers to life a bit. It does, after all, have a really awesome fight scene in an opera house, which hints at an at least OK-ish action film hiding beneath all the emo cringe. It's unlikely that this was ever going to come close to the original, but had the feature been a leaner, action-focused flick then it could've been solid at the very least. Then, it would've probably just been forgotten instead of enduring as one of the most hated movies of 2024.