10 Simple Ways To Build A Cinematic Universe

9. It Doesn't Need To Be So Blatantly Money-Driven

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Baby Groot Money
Paramount Pictures

Blockbuster franchises are designed to appeal to the widest possible audience in order to maximize profits. That's the way the movie business works, and it won't change. With cinematic universes the latest trend, the process of expanding a successful brand has become a lot more obviously cynical.

Remember when Sony created a division whose entire purpose was to expand the Ghostbusters franchise? Ghost Corps already seems like one of the most redundant production companies in Hollywood.

Activision Blizzard Studios exists with the sole intent of launching an extended Call of Duty universe which will surely be based on great storytelling, not the fact that the video game series has sold over 250 million copies, right?

Did Transformers assemble a writers room of a dozen people for the huge number of exciting stories to tell, or because the franchise has racked up nearly $4.5bn at the box office despite taking a critical battering for the last decade?

Is there any reason for Hasbro to be developing another interconnected universe featuring G.I. Joe, Micronauts and M.A.S.K that isn't a financial one? Try convincing people that the 'Hasbro Cinematic Universe' isn't designed exclusively to sell toys. Sure, the Lego movies exist for the exact same purpose, but at least they've been entertaining.

We all know that they want our money, but the focus should be on delivering an entertaining product that audiences enjoy and actually want to see more of, which is something that the studios seem to be forgetting on an alarmingly regular basis.

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