10 Skin-Crawlingly Memorable Movie Killers

3. John Doe - Se7en

We're getting to the best of the best here. John Doe is, hands down, one of the greatest movie killers of all time. What elevates him to top three status is because he's the killer in an also masterful film. Se7en is in most folks' top ten and is one of the best films I've ever seen, genre aside. The plot and the killings are excellent, the clues, the cat and mouse game, the themes and the emotions are all spot on, and the end was such a shock (for those who knew nothing of the film) that it's caused me to never look at small boxes the same. (I also have this eerie feeling while watching Iron Man, waiting for Pepper Pots' other shoe to drop...) Where someone masterful like Jigsaw is separated from John Doe is their plausibility. Sure, I supposed people could come up with the traps Jigsaw does but it requires a lot of time and money. John Doe's murders require much of the same but are on a more believable, and therefore more terrifying, scale. The production that went into the film to capture just how mad Doe's mind was, the design, the score, the performances, the writing and direction, all of it. There is so much vivid detail that's been paid attention to it's astounding. John Doe is a fictional character who feels more real than reality. The games he plays and the trail he leads Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman's characters down is twisted, exciting, and gripping. For doing what few other films have done so well, John Doe is one of the most shockingly real villains of all time. Also, he kills people. And that's scary.
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Actor, writer, filmmaker, stand up comic, jack of all trades...hopefully master of some. Living the dream, whatever that is, in LA while always sitting in traffic. He's also the co-creator of the comedy group NSFYM (Not Safe For Your Mom). facebook.com/nsfym