10 Slasher Horror Movie Openings That Get Worse The More You Think About It

1. Constance's Crimes - Black Christmas

Black Christmas 2006 Constance Lenz
Dimension Films/MGM

Technically, this opening moment takes place approximately 15 minutes into the movie, rather than straight out of the gate, but the sequence in question is all part of the the larger setting of the stall for 2006's Black Christmas.

Written and directed by Glen Morgan, the film starts by showing a fraternity sister murdered after just a couple of minutes, before then using a Santa Claus impersonator to introduce the ominous Billy Lenz, as the movie flashes back to the '70s. And it's here, where things get truly chilling.

By this point, we already know - thanks to Santa - that Billy grew up to be a murderous loon, but this jump back in time details how Lenz never really stood a chance. Detested by his own mother because he was born jaundice due to liver problems, young Billy saw his own father killed by his ma Constance and her lover. Once his mom realises her boy has seen this act, she locks him in the attic for the next several years.

Making this entire situation all the more uncomfortable and sickening, Constance later sexually assaults Billy in order to get herself pregnant with a child of incest.

So yeah, the more you think about the grim flashbacks of Black Christmas' opening quarter-hour, the more traumatic you realise the childhood of Billy Lenz was.

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Senior Writer

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