10 Slated Movies That Are Nowhere Near As Bad As You Remember

2. Tron: Legacy (2010)


What Everyone Remembers: A pointless follow-up to a movie that nobody really ever wanted a sequel to, complete with clunky dialogue cues, a forgettable storyline, and a dull leading character. Why did they even bother with this one, huh? Why It's Nowhere Near As Bad: All of those things are true: this movie is badly written, the main character is about the blandest protagonist in the history of bland protagonists, and there's not really a plot going on. You can't really even argue as to how unnecessary this movie is on the whole, given that the original Tron wasn't exactly a great movie either. What makes this worthwhile, though? The truly amazing visual effects and the brilliant soundtrack composed by Daft Punk, which people totally seem to forget when they're talking about Legacy's bad points. As a movie, it does fall short, but as a creative exercise... well, it's kind of mind-blowing, to be honest.

All-round pop culture obsessive.