10 Smartest Decisions In Star Wars History

7. Luke Throws His Lightsaber Away - Return Of The Jedi

Galen Erso Rogue One Death Star Plans

Nailing down just one scene as Star Wars' best is a tricky task, but one that must surely be in the running has to be Luke Skywalker's final confrontation with Darth Vader and the Emperor in Return of the Jedi.

It's a wonderful duel, and it's also one unlike any other in the franchise, in that it's one you don't want Luke to win. Both he and his father are being manipulated by the Emperor, and there's a wonderfully haunting John Williams composition that adds to the unease of seeing father and son fight to the death.

The duel ends once Luke fully taps into the Dark Side and unleashes his anger on his father, but he realises his mistake once the Emperor begins to goad him into executing him. Luke throws away his lightsaber, affirming once again that he is a Jedi, just like his father, and willingly suffers Palpatine's attacks to galvanise Vader into finally embracing the Light Side he'd avoided for so long.

Had Luke resisted the Emperor with force, he would've likely perished. It's only with Vader's unexpected betrayal that Darth Sidious is confined to the second Death Star's reactor, and it's Luke's strength and courage that inspires him.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.