10 Smartest Villain Plans From Sci-Fi Movies

2. Watching, Waiting - Thanos (Avengers: Infinity War)

Superman Lex Luthor Gene Hackman

How hard can it be to find six rocks, put them in a special glove, and then snap your fingers?

Thanos took ages to do this, sitting in his big chair whilst everyone else did the work for him. Why is he so revered amongst MCU fans then? What did he do?

Answer - he waited.

The Mad Titan perfectly calculated the exact moment to strike, giving himself the best chance to secure all six Infinity Stones in quick fashion so he could use them to wipe out half of all life in the Universe.

That moment was the destruction of Asgard in Thor: Ragnarok.

With the planet decimated, Thanos knew that the Space Stone was now unguarded. After taking the Power Stone from Xandar, he used it to retrieve the Tesseract from Loki. Now that he could travel freely throughout the universe, the rest of the Stones would be easily to find.

That's why Thanos is the MCU's greatest villain - because he's smart. He bided his time and was patient, and it all paid off in the end.

Until those pesky Avengers went back in time and changed everything. That's cheating!


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.