10 Smartest Zombies In Horror Movies

1. Bub - Day Of The Dead

Day of the Dead Bub
Universal Pictures

Bub was introduced in George A. Romero's Day of the Dead and is probably the most famous example of a smart zombie.

The creature is taken in by Dr. Logan, who starts to domesticate the undead man in his laboratory within a military bunker. He teaches him salutes and allows him to become proficient in firearms. Bub even manages to unlock memories of his past life and communicate in mumbled sentences with the scientist who had taken him in. Their rapport soon blossoms into friendship, with Bub making no attempt to attack the doctor and remaining docile with him. It all seems well until Day of the Dead heads towards its climax...

You see, Dr. Logan is revealed to have been experimenting on the deceased members of the US Military. This angers the leader, Rhodes, who murders the doctor. Bub then escapes and learns of his friend's demise, which upsets him to the point of actively trying to murder Rhodes with a gun. When Bub shoots the Captain and allows him to be devoured by an undead horde, our smart zombie ironically gives him a military salute as a final insult.

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