10 Spectacularly Wrong Movie Reviews

7. Say Die To Goonies

Who doesn't like The Goonies? Nobody, that's who. Nobody who has a working heart or soul, at least. If you are devoid of those things, we guess you get a pass, and we hope that your journey into the underworld to retrieve these vital/metaphysical organs is successful. Not only will your life be back on track but, more importantly, you'll finally be able to extract the pure joy afforded by a viewing of The Goonies, the bonafide Richard Donner classic about a group of misfit kids who go looking for the mythical treasure of a long-dead pirate in order to stop their neighbourhood being flattened by a huge corporation. Also the pirate is called One-Eyed Willy, which is as hilarious to us now as it was when we first heard it.

It's a film with oodles of charm, thanks to a funny script - with a surprising amount of expletives - and the ensemble cast, including Corey Feldman before it all went wrong, and Sean Astin before it all went Gamgee. Plus Short Round from Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom, but he doesn't manage to ruin things as much here as he did then. It's a universally beloved film, which lives on as much in the hearts of critics as bored kids flicking through the channels on a rainy Sunday afternoon. Well, almost universally, as Jeffrey Westhoff was the one noted critic of the film, stating in his review for the Northwest Herald that "he find nothing entertaining about kids screaming for two hours." What a fuddy-duddy.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/