10 Spectacularly Wrong Movie Reviews

3. Catwoman Is Actually The Best Superhero Movie

A recent, much-debated leaked memo from Warner Bros has revealed an interesting idea the studio have about the relative failure of their superhero films: there was too much humour in them. Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy of Batman movies, meanwhile, was stony-faced to a fault, and was the biggest success of any DC Comics adaptation so far. Especially compared to, say, Green Lantern, which had its tongue planted firmly in cheek and was a total box office bomb. Before all that, however, was the ill-fated Catwoman movie starring Halle Berry, Sharon Stone, and a campy attitude that had less in common with the sixties Caped Crusader TV series and more in common with, say, BBC One's Friday night hit Tumble. The one where Z-list celebrities put sparkly costumes on and do gymnastics poorly.

Not only was Catwoman as unsuccessful financially as Green Lantern, but it's also considered one of the worst films ever made by most reviewers and audiences alike. Which it is. It's undeniably dreadful. Unless you're Mick LaSalle, in which case you will deny that charge stringently and at length. In fact, not only did LaSalle deny that the film was rubbish, or stupid, revealing that "rather, it's an odd, idiosyncratic movie - dark in look and dark in spirit - that plays as a kind of pop culture investigation into the meaning of feminism and the options open to women in the modern world." Reminder that this is a film where Halle Berry gets murdered for discovering a murderous secret of a make-up producer, comes back to life and fights crime whilst wearing cat ears and a leather bra.


Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/