10 Spine-Chilling Horror Movies Set In The Desert

6. Razorback

Revenge 2017
Greater Union Films/Warner Bros.

When a wild boar raises havoc across the Australian Outback, a man, a hunter and a farmer dedicate themselves to tracking the beast down. Russel Mulcahy's grim creature feature doesn't sound as though it should be particularly scary, but Razorback makes a genuine powerhouse of its big pig.

Hell, it does for wild boar what Stephen King's Cujo did for St. Bernards. Taking no prisoners, the film opens with the creature killing an actual baby!

Beyond its massive monster and impressive gore effects, Razorback is notable for its atmospheric depiction of the Australian Outback - a smoky, unsettling and almost apocalyptic wilderness. Razorback's story may initially seem implausible, but just looking at the way Mulachy and Director of Photography Dean Semler shoot the Outback? It seems only natural that the place should be filled with giant man-eating, baby-mauling pigs.

Razorback takes the wild boar and, somehow, makes a truly intimidating horror villain of it.


A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.