10 Star Wars Answers Given YEARS Later

5. What Was The Fate Of Jar Jar Binks?

Star Wars Questions Bosheck

Sadly, this Gungan wasn't eventually revealed to have been an evil Sith Lord all along, folks. Well, not in the canon version of the galaxy far, far away, at least.

Instead many years after Jar Jar Binks' final prequel appearance in Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, those who love a good Star Wars novel were told about the far more depressing fate of this loveable buffoon.

Binks did actually survive until after the Battle of Endor, according to Chuck Wendig's canon Aftermath: Empire's End novel that was eventually released 12 years after the last prequel. But he wasn't living his best life by any means.

By the time of the New Republic, the one-time senator was acting as a clown on the streets of Theed after being exiled again by the Gungans for his part in the rise of the Empire. Suggesting the Senate grant Palpatine emergency powers didn't age very well.

On the bright side, despite not being all that popular with adults, kids loved his antics - sound familiar?

For those left wondering what ever happened to the bumbling goofball after the prequels ended, this novel brought with it a quite tragic answer a decade later.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...