10 Star Wars Bloopers You Need To See

8. Chewie Gets A Little Close To Guinness - Episode IV: A New Hope

Ben Kenobi

It's no secret that Sir Alec Guinness wasn't the biggest fan of much of his experience in George Lucas' sci-fi universe. But that's not to say that he still didn't have a little bit of fun on occasion.

Sensing the all-round absurdity of the scenario he found himself at the centre of during one specific moment on the Millennium Falcon, the Oscar-winner simply could not hide a wry smirk at Peter Mayhew's Chewbacca during A New Hope.

The scene involved Chewie reaching to flick a switch of some sort after Harrison Ford delivered his iconic "this is where the fun begins." But it was that particularly furry movement that swiftly left Guinness' face being completely obscured for his subsequent moment.

Rather than throw a tantrum, though, Guinness proceeded to fire a few comically puzzled and brassed off glances at his scene-stealing co-star before the chuckling crew joined in on having a laugh about this pretty odd blunder.

Though how Mayhew could see anything in that bulky get-up is anyone's guess. So, Guinness was likely just lucky to not find himself being accidentally backhanded by the towering Wookiee.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...