10 Star Wars Bloopers You Need To See

6. R2-D2's Many Wipeouts - Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Ben Kenobi

There's taking a fall on one rather humiliating, but still somewhat amusing, occasion. Then there's turning an entire movie into your own personal Total Wipeout course.

And unfortunately for long-time Star Wars favourite R2-D2, The Phantom Menace ended up being a rather painful shoot for the piece of tech. It's the sheer variety of R2's unlucky collisions and stumbles that makes it pretty damn near impossible to take in the film's blooper reel without cracking an irrepressible smile, though.

From not quite being able to manage the Naboo terrain when meeting up with the gungans on a few separate takes - something that also led to the team behind Episode I brilliantly fully animating Jar Jar Binks' surprised responses - to regularly smacking into alien beings and stubborn walls, it's a good thing the late great Kenny Baker was only used to play R2 sporadically in the flick... or he may have needed more than a few soaks in a bacta tank.

Also, try taking in the unlucky astromech seemingly losing his robo-footing and slowly falling off a Coruscant platform whilst Qui-Gon tells little Ani about the wonders of midi-chlorians without unleashing a devilish chuckle. Go on. Do it.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...