10 Star Wars Characters More Important Than You Realised

4. Davin Felth

Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Ki-Adi-Mundi

When Stormtroopers are combing the Tatooine desert for rebel droids in A New Hope, one of them comes across a metal remnant from C-3PO, and tells their superior officer, "Look sir, droids!"

You'd reasonably assume this Stormtrooper was a nameless nobody, but this being Star Wars, that of course isn't the case at all.

In Legends continuity, it's established that this Stormtrooper goes by the name of Davin Felth, and though much of Felth's backstory is technically non-canon now, it's still fascinatingly comprehensive - and much of it doesn't directly contradict what we see onscreen.

It turns out that Felth was originally an ambitious Imperial officer who pointed out a fatal flaw in the design of the AT-ATs, prompting Colonel Maximilian Veers - who oversaw development of the AT-ATs - to assign Felth to Stormtrooper duty in an attempt to cover up his own embarrassing mistake.

Ultimately, Felth came to appreciate the Empire as evil, and decided to help the Rebels by acting as a spy from within the Stormtroopers' ranks.

Though it's basically self-parody at this point that even the most insignificant Star Wars characters have hilariously elaborate backstories, at least this one's really interesting - no matter its lack of canonicity.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.