10 Star Wars Characters With Most Wasted Potential
4. Mace Windu
Sure, he was in all three prequels and has been in several episodes of both TV shows called Clone Wars, but how much information actually is there about Jedi Master Mace Windu?
Mace is played by Samuel L. Jackson, who must have had to try so hard not to ask if Palpatine "looked like a b*tch" at any point during filming.
He's the second-in-command on the Jedi Council, junior to Yoda in terms of rank and experience, but senior to him in terms of height. Windu wields a purple lightsaber, which is objectively the best coloured lightsaber and there shall be no further discussion on the matter.
But all of this feels very surface level.
Mace Windu's origin story has been explored greatly in written media, but he's been pretty hard done by on screen. It's just sort of assumed that he's this all powerful Jedi Master, but besides taking the Emperor to his limits in a lightsaber duel, this isn't really shown.
For someone so vital to the hierarchy of the Jedi Order, Windu consistently feels like second fiddle at best, and an afterthought at worst.