10 Star Wars Characters You Didn't Realise Probably Died Horrible Deaths

7. Snowtrooper Vs. Wampa

Chewbacca Death

Being an Imperial Stormtrooper is certainly one of the worst jobs you could have in the galaxy. Apart from the apparent lack of sufficient target training, the most terrible aspect of being a Stormtrooper is the worlds you're sent to and what could lurk there.

In a deleted scene from The Empire Strikes Back, during the rebels' escape from Hoth, C-3PO runs past a door with a warning sign on it. Wanting to trick pursuing Snowtroopers, the cheeky protocol droid rips the sign off, hoping the troopers will try to enter the room. Shortly after 3PO runs away, the Snowtroopers stop at the door, with the most inquisitive of the squad opening it. Suddenly, a Wampa's arm grabs the trooper and pulls him into the room, with his fellow Imperial soldiers rushing to close the door as soon as possible, making no attempt to save their comrade.

Although this Snowtrooper's death was not shown, it is pretty obvious what happened. Given the opening of the film saw Jedi-in-training Luke Skywalker narrowly avoid becoming a Wampa's lunch, clearly this Snowtrooper wasn't as lucky as Skywalker and was likely devoured moments after the door was slammed shut.


Star Wars fanatic. Marvel lover. DC enjoyer.