10 Star Wars Controversies That Divide Fans

7. Does The Holdo Manoeuvre Make Space Battles Redundant?

Return Of The Jedi

No matter how you felt about the sequel trilogy, it must be admitted those movies were visually stunning. And no scene was as awe-inspiring as the moment when Vice-Admiral Holdo committed the ultimate sacrifice. Piloting her ship into the oncoming First Order fleet, she engaged the hyperdrive, utterly destroying her foes. It was a take-your-breath-away moment.

But this also had huge implications for not only the future of Star Wars, but all the previous movies to date. The fandom jumped right on it.

If using a hyperdrive in this way was possible, why was it the first time anybody had done it? With just a simple push of a button, the Rebel Alliance could have avoided losing dozens of ships during both attacks on the Death Star.

Of course, the Reddit community is filled with counter arguments about why this was. Namely, that although it is possible, the logistics of such a manoeuvre are so complex that it simply would be too difficult to replicate on a regular basis.

Don't you just love how deep nerds get into this stuff?

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.