10 Star Wars Fan Theories That Became Fact

1. Rey Is A Palpatine

Darth Maul The Clone Wars Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menance

Out of the gates, the overriding theory that left most fans squabbling in their car rides home from their first viewing of The Force Awakens centred around who in the hell Daisy Ridley's Force-sensitive Rey was related to in this galaxy far, far away.

And while the generally accepted theories tended to revolve around Rey being either a Skywalker or a Solo, there were still a few folks subscribing to a rather out-there notion that the Sequel's central protagonist may actually have some far more in-Sidious roots.

Said fans were under the impression early on that Rey was related to none other than Emperor Palpatine himself, with The Force Awakens' novelisation hinting at her being lured towards the Dark Side in her first battle with Kylo Ren being interpreted by some as Sidious trying to pull his granddaughter towards the dark.

Far from being a completely unimaginable throwaway theory, however, J.J. Abrams would ultimately follow-through on said direction, revealing that Rey was actually the daughter of Palpatine's strand-cast son. But because this galaxy must always have a Skywalker present, Rey eventually opts to discard her last name in favour of Luke and Leia's family moniker in the closing stages of Episode IX.

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