10 Star Wars Fan Theories That Make Too Much Sense To Ignore

2. Finn Is A Child

Star Wars

One of the key pieces to the opening scenes of The Force Awakens was Finn's baptism of fire on the battlefield for the First Order, and his subsequent betrayal and desertion. However, the more his backstory is examined, the more questions are raised.

The character that would be known as Finn was apparently taken by Imperial Forces when he was a child, too young to remember who his true family were, yet the battle on Jakku at the start of the movie was his first combat experience as a Stormtrooper. Why would this have taken so long? There is also the fact that the image on his ID card is of him as a child. Again, having supposedly been a part of the Imperial Forces since he was a child, why wouldn't this have ever been updated?

This theory poses an answer to both questions, stating that Finn is in fact, still a child. The Clone Troopers produced on Kamino during the Clone Wars were put through age and growth acceleration to ensure the Grand Army of the Republic wasn't waiting two decades for its troops to grow into maturity.

Who's to say the First Order didn't do a similar thing with its own Stormtroopers for those very same reasons?

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.