10 Star Wars Moments That Are Incredibly Stupid

2. Leia Points Out That Nothing in Cloud City Makes Sense, And Han Ignores Her - The Empire Strikes Back

leia There€™s a scene in €œEmpire€ where Leia, after her all-important costume change, begins to point out all the things that clearly suggest something is really, really wrong on Cloud City. How does Han respond? He kisses her on the forehead and tells her to calm down. Guess what? Ten minutes later, they walk into a trap. Because Han told one of the key leaders of the rebellion, presumably one of the best strategic thinkers they have, not to worry her pretty little head. And she listened. That€™s just stupid.
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Rebecca Kulik lives in Iowa, reads an obsence amount, watches way too much television, and occasionally studies for her BA in History. Come by her personal pop culture blog at tyrannyofthepetticoat.wordpress.com and her reading blog at journalofimaginarypeople.wordpress.com.