10 Star Wars Moments That Will Haunt You Forever

7. The Wampa's Cave - Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars Moments Haunting Kino Loy Andor Andy Serkis

There's nothing quite like a good old-fashioned practical monster leaving you well and truly petrified of going to sleep with lights off.

That's an experience just about every spooked kid likely went through after they first sat down to watch a little movie by the name of Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back.

After being attacked by the furry white beast known as a Wampa, Luke Skywalker finds himself hanging upside down within its cave, with the carnivorous animal seen chomping away at our hero's Tauntaun. 

The whole intense scene plays out like it belongs within a monster movie. 

The fear felt as Luke desperately squirmed and attempted to use the Force to retrieve his trusty lightsaber was palpable, with the Wampa creeping ever closer and threatening to also gobble up the son of Anakin Skywalker on Hoth.

Thankfully, Luke was able to cut his way out of trouble before it was too late. However, that still didn't stop youngsters from looking over their shoulders during their next snow day, fearful of being similarly jumped by the terrifying creature George Lucas and Irvin Kershner first unleashed all those decades ago.

That these scenes still continue to haunt new viewers is a testament to the incredible effects work used to bring both the original Wampa puppet and the suit used in the 1997 Special Edition to screens.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...