10 Star Wars Movie "Mistakes" That Were Totally Intentional

1. All The Anachronistic Dialogue - Every Star Wars Movie

Star Wars The Phantom Menace Anakin

We're getting firmly into nitpick territory now, but this is nevertheless something that many fans continue to insist is a glaring inconsistency in Star Wars lore.

Namely, there are certainly words and turns of phrase that come across as completely jarring because of how decidedly earthly they sound for a franchise allegedly set in a galaxy far, far away.

For instance, Han says "See you in hell" in The Empire Strikes Back, a distinctly Earth-bound human saying if there ever was one, and in Attack of the Clones, Dex (Ronald Falk) says to Obi-Wan, "That depends on how big your pocketbook is."

There are countless other examples of Earth-speak creeping into the franchise in a distinct way, but Pablo Hidalgo comes to the rescue once again, revealing that this has always been an intentional stylistic choice, to filter the actual verbiage of Star Wars through a translator for our viewing pleasure.

In a series of tweets, he said:

"Parsing word origins in Star Wars is a tangled ball not worth unraveling, and the best sanity-preserving conceit is that the whole thing's been translated for our terrestrial benefit... You can try to create rules, but in the end, vibes win out."

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