10 Star Wars Movie "Mistakes" That Were Totally Intentional

7. Watto Shouldn't Be Able To Fly - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Star Wars The Phantom Menace Anakin

There's enough disdain for Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace that some fans will simply complain about anything and readily dub it a mistake.

Case in point, some have noted that junk dealer Watto (Andy Secombe) shouldn't physically be able to fly due to his relatively light-looking wings being incapable of lifting his portly body off the ground.

And according to the film's animation director Rob Coleman, this was actually something that was discussed during production, but following some first-hand research, it was decided that there was in fact no mistake at all. Coleman said:

"Watto proved a different challenge because of his design - he's got that huge belly! I remember some people at ILM saying because of his wing ratio he'd never fly. I happened to be watching one of the science and nature channels and there's a documentary on bumblebees and a scientist said, 'Actually, the wing to body ratio is quite confusing, because technically they shouldn't be able to fly.' I went back in and said, 'The bumblebee has wings that are too small, so Watto's got wings that are too small. And by the way, his belly's filled with helium!'"

Better yet, the common assertion that bees break the laws of physics by flying? Absolute hooey.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.