10 Star Wars Questions We Still Need Answers To

7. What Happened To Broom Kid?

Star Wars Questions New Version

The Last Jedi's tantalising final scene showed a lingering glimpse of a character now referred to by fans as "Broom Kid" - a young Fathier stablehand (Temirlan Blaev) on Canto Bight, who can be seen using the Force to move a broom while cleaning up the stables.

Naturally many fans assumed that the character, later named Temiri Blagg, would show up again in The Rise of Skywalker or other Star Wars media, but to date that hasn't been the case. 

And so, fans continue to wonder what became of Broom Kid since The Last Jedi, no matter that many believe Rian Johnson never intended for him to be a recurring character. 

Rather, it can be argued that he simply represents Luke's hope spreading throughout the galaxy, and the notion that you don't need a convoluted familial tie to be a Force user - you can be anyone.

Then again, with the Rey movie in active development at the moment, anything can happen - he could return and become an honest-to-God character in his own right.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.