10 Star Wars Scenes Everyone Gets Wrong

2. Luke Considering Killing Ben Wasn't Out Of Character

Star Wars The Last Jedi Luke

One of the more intriguing - if controversial - flourishes in The Last Jedi is the Rashomon-inspired manner in which we see three different accounts of the fateful night that Luke drew his lightsaber against a young Ben Solo aka Kylo Ren.

The first flashback, told by Luke, suggests that a rage-filled Kylo simply turned on his master, while the second, relayed by Kylo, claims that he acted in self-defense after Luke activated his lightsaber out of fear of Kylo's powers.

And then there's the third (and presumably correct) version, told by Luke to Rey (Daisy Ridley), where he claims he sensed the darkness building in Kylo and instinctively drew his lightsaber only to immediately regret it, at which point Kylo responded in self-defense.

Many complained that this was a deeply out-of-character moment for Luke, that the hero of the original trilogy would never dare consider killing a Jedi student. But first and foremost, it's naive and just plain wrong to suggest that people don't change massively over the span of decades.

More to the point, the original trilogy didn't exactly paint Luke as a purely squeaky-clean hero either. We saw glimpses of fleeting darkness within him - such as when he snapped on Vader during their climactic fight in Return of the Jedi - and so a moment of instinctual weakness which he instantly regretted isn't remotely inconsistent with who Luke is.

It just adds further shade and dimension to his character, honestly.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.