10 Star Wars Scenes Everyone Wishes They Could Unsee

Remember when Rey and Kylo kissed for no reason??

Kylo ren star wars rey

Seemingly chucking out instantly iconic action set-pieces, verbal exchanges, and all-important blaster and lightsaber duels by the project, few franchises on the planet can boast the same sort of back catalogue of big and small screen brilliance seen in this galaxy far, far away...

Yet, while this is still the series that has brought fans countless hours of joy through epic duels of the fate, rematches of the century, and battles aboard many a space station, that's not to say that each and every scene ever churned out by the likes of George Lucas and Disney has instantly taken up a place in the heart of Star Wars supporters the world over.

In fact, some specific space-opera scenes left such a bitter taste in the mouths of many that it wouldn't be overstating it to say that most fans would be quite content with each and every one of the following sequences never being brought into existence in the first place.

From jarring CGI taking away from the moment in question to kisses that made your heart sink instead of flutter, try as you might, there's just no erasing these unfortunate scenes from your mind.

10. Background Stormtroopers Detract From The Action - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Kylo ren star wars rey

Make no mistake, Deborah Chow and Disney brought more than their fair share of excellence to the Star Wars streaming service party with this year's Obi-Wan Kenobi.

But even with some outstanding performances and a rather gripping tale being told, there was still no escaping the fact fans were taking in an epic story that unfortunately had to be brought to life on a TV budget. Never was this more evident than during Part IV's detour to the Fortress Inquisitorius when Kenobi and Tala Durith attempt to sneak off the Nur base with a young Leia Organa.

On top of the majority of the Imperial forces either looking like they were jarringly added in during post-production or brought to life via rushed and cheap-looking digital effects, a quick glance at the Stormtroopers occupying the background during this sequence depicts the platoon seemingly walking straight at a window for some reason.

Clearly the idea here was to simply make the setting feel as busy as possible, but the lack of thought and attention put into something as simple as the logic behind the direction a background brigade are heading in ultimately ends up detracting from what should be an otherwise daring escape sequence.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...