10 Star Wars Secrets Everyone Knows But You

You didn't know how Star Wars' green milk tasted? Well, now you do...

Star Wars The Last Jedi Finn Tom Hardy

Thanks to being very much in the public eye for well over four decades, just about everything there is to know about this galaxy far, far away has been mined and explored via numerous behind-the-scenes documentaries, books, and tell-all interviews with notable cast and crew members.

But with most folks not actually dedicating their lives to uncovering the truth behind how various Star Wars beats came into existence in the first place and the real-life drama that often accompanied this space-opera's creation, it's safe to say that a great many of the very much exposed secrets belonging to this inter-galactic monster of a franchise have found a way to escape many a casual fans' attention over the years.

Not for much longer, though, as your writer has made it their mission to get every Jedi, Sith, and Rebel out there well and truly caught up with some of the galaxy's most intriguing, jaw-dropping, and borderline unbelievable secrets over the course of the next ten Force-sensitive entries.

From many a moment you didn't realise was entirely made up on the spot (or not as it later became known!), to mind-boggling mistakes leading to an entire feature being re-dubbed, it's time you discovered the secrets every other Star Wars die-hard has already had their minds utterly blown by.

10. Many A Celebrity Cameo You Missed

Star Wars The Last Jedi Finn Tom Hardy
Lucasfilm & Warner Bros.

With each passing decade, the idea of appearing alongside the galaxy's greatest Jedi and most diabolical Sith is seemingly becoming more and more appealing to celebrity fans of George Lucas' baby.

So, its become also an adventure in its own right unpacking precisely which well-known stars of stage and screen have managed to wiggle their way into the various space-aged locales seen in whatever latest slice of Star Wars goodness is being pumped onto our screens.

Most recently, Zach Braff's unexpected cameo whilst buried deep in prosthetics as the double-crossing Freck in Disney+'s Obi-Wan Kenobi acted as the latest well-known celeb getting in on the Skywalker Saga action. But he merely joins the likes of Joseph Gordon-Levitt playing Slowen Lo, Tom Hardy and Daniel Craig rocking up as Stormtroopers, and Simon Pegg as Unkar Plutt, to seriously name but a few, in making a subtle mark on a series each of the stars clearly hold very dear to their hearts.

Said cameos aren't strictly confined to famous actors either, with music sensations like Ed Sheeran and Nigel Godrich both appearing in Rise of Skywalker at various points, too.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...