10 Star Wars Subplots That Went Literally Nowhere

8. Enfys Nest's Rebellion

Finn Rey

A lot of Solo: A Star Wars Story's narrative revolved around coaxium. The hyperfuel was insanely valuable, with Dryden Vos and by extension Tobias Beckett and Han Solo himself scouring the galaxy to acquire it.

At the same time, they were pursued by Enfys Nest, another interested party. The difference was that while Vos wanted it for his own gains, Enfys wanted to use it to make a positive change in the universe, to start something of a rebellion of her own against the Empire.

At the movie's conclusion, Han Solo willingly gave the coaxium over to his rival for it all movie, citing that she would actually do something good with it. Based on where these events are placed in the Star Wars timeline, you'd be forgiven for thinking this could feed directly into the rebellion against the Empire.

Instead, audiences have never got to see exactly what Enfys did with the coaxium, how she planned on helping those oppressed across the galaxy, and how she stood up to the Empire. Rather, she just vanished into Star Wars obscurity. These details were ultimately revealed in the novelisation of Solo: A Star Wars Story, but few enough people watched the movie, even less would have read the book. This needed to happen on screen.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.