10 Star Wars Subplots That Went Literally Nowhere

8. The Broom Kid And Canto Bight (The Last Jedi)

Star Wars Broom Kid

In comparison to the usual desert, woodland or spaceship settings that we find in Star Wars, Canto Bight in The Last Jedi makes for a refreshing change of location. Showcasing the wealth and inequality that always emerges in times of hardship, the setting is stunning to look at and interesting to wander through as we see the contrast of the high-rolling merchants and the appalling conditions the land's slave children live and work in.

However, the whole subplot of Fin and Rose travelling there to find a codebreaker becomes incredibly bogged down the further it goes on, and ultimately goes one step further and becomes entirely pointless once they're betrayed by the crook they do find. It's a pretty frustrating waste of an interesting premise and setting on the whole.

There's also the case of the stable kid that we see in the film's closing shot, who demonstrates a level of force sensitivity by pulling a broom towards him. The message about looking up to the stars and finding hope fits nicely in with Luke Skywalker's arc throughout the film, however we never see this kid again and he isn't even referenced or acknowledged in The Rise of Skywalker.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.