10 Strangest Actor Vanity Projects

2. Jada Pinkett Smith's Metal Band

The star of such films as disparate as The Matrix Reloaded, Menace II Society and The Nutty Professor recently returned to screens after a bit of a break in Gotham, that TV show about Batman before he was Batman (spoilers: he's still a little bit like Batman, and all of his enemies are still around). Pinektt Smith's scenery-chewing performance has been one of the best on the show, and hints a her own vanity project. Yes, the chameleonic actor €“ and wife to Will Smith €“ is in a heavy metal band. Not only that, but she's the lead singer in a heavy metal band. Not only that, but the heavy metal band is actually successful. Musical side projects by actors are a dime a dozen, and usually just mediocre (like Keanu Reeves's) or straight-up terrible (Robert Mitchum, you racist). Wicked Wisdom are anything but. Well, it depends on what you think of metal as a genre, but Pinkett Smith's band seems to do all right. They played at Ozzfest by invitation of Sharon Osboune, their two albums have received good reviews €“ especially for the singing €“ and for a while, it seemed like she might get bigger in the music world than cinema.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/