10 Strangest Film Endings That We Can't Believe Exist

4. Memento

My antithesis of No Country. When you saw Memento for the first time, if your reaction was, "Oh, I see what happened there." Then GTFO. You're lying. Everyone I know, myself included, watched this movie a dozen times trying to re-sequence it and piece it together in a desperate attempt to have it all make some coherent sense. That was a feat. And when the DVD arrived, and you were able to unlock the easter egg of having the film play in chronological order, you realized how lame it was when it unfolded the way you always wanted it to. When it became linear it lost its zeal and originality. Some critics use this to fault the film, saying without its gimmick it's worthless which means it only serves one purpose: to be a gimmick. Get outta' here. I don't care if it's only a gimmick, it's a damned good one that keeps me enthralled to this day. It's a masterpiece of a movie, especially from a low budget standpoint. This is what gets you noticed, as we can see from Nolan becoming the new head honcho of Hollywood. It's the perfect example of how a strange, confusing ending works flawlessly and successfully has you wanting to watch it again and again.
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Actor, writer, filmmaker, stand up comic, jack of all trades...hopefully master of some. Living the dream, whatever that is, in LA while always sitting in traffic. He's also the co-creator of the comedy group NSFYM (Not Safe For Your Mom). facebook.com/nsfym