10 Strangest Mistakes In Movies

1. The Vanishing Jacket - Fled

Passenger 57

There are continuity errors in $300 million superhero movies, and then there are head-smackingly ridiculous continuity errors in modestly-budgeted genre films.

1996's buddy action-comedy Fled, starring Laurence Fishburne and Stephen Baldwin, may have fallen off the face of the Earth shortly after release, but its new claim to fame lies in this howlingly bizarre mistake.

Mid-way through the film, Baldwin's Luke Dodge is wearing a thick grey sweater and then puts on a flannel jacket over the top while having a conversation with Fishburne's Charles Piper.

Except, when we cut to a side-on shot of the pair talking, Dodge's flannel jacket has suddenly disappeared, before reappearing a few shots later.

It's an especially strange continuity error because the shooting setup is so simple, and there's very little reason why Baldwin would remove the jacket and then put it back on again while filming such a simple camera setup.

How could such an egregious mistake get past script supervisors, the wardrobe department, the director, the actors, hell even the catering crew and basically anyone on set with a functioning pair of eyeballs?

It's highly likely that the shots of Baldwin without the jacket were actually pickup shots filmed at a later date and inserted into the film, and somebody - that is, everybody - failed to correctly check continuity with the existing footage.

It's still a bafflingly thoughtless mistake, if at least one which lends added comedy value to a film most critics agree isn't nearly funny enough.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.