10 Strangest Mistakes In Movies

7. Omid Djalili's Wardrobe Malfunction - The Mummy

Passenger 57

1999's Brendan Fraser-starring The Mummy is a damn good time - an old-fashioned action-adventure film that's just scary enough to be fun, but still fit for all the family to watch.

Except for that scene with accidental male nudity, of course.

Mid-way through the movie, Warden Gad Hassan (Omid Djalili) is killed when a flesh-eating scarab beetle eats its way through his body and eventually emerges out of his ear.

While Hassan is frantically squirming around as the scarab eats its way up his body, there's a momentary flash of actor Omid Djalili's penis, which accidentally falls out of his loose-fitting, baggy trousers.

Quite how this is even possible - and why Djalili isn't wearing underwear, for one - has never been ascertained, but needless to say, graphic nudity is the last thing any movie studio wants to sneak into their big-budget family blockbuster, no matter how brief.

If you're truly interested enough to see it for yourself, at mercifully low resolution at least, go nuts at 0:23 in the clip below:


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.