The Academy of Motion Pictures is known for making poor decisions. Far too often they nominate movies for Oscars to appease the masses instead of rewarding movies that actually had an impact. They base many of their decisions on what they think people enjoyed and not necessarily which movies deserved the credit. In recent years The Oscars have become glorified Peoples Choice awards. Makeup artists who slap fat suits on mediocre actors have been nominated over truly talented movie make up. Big explosions have been an easy in for Best Visuals," trumping actually visually pleasing movies (Michael Bay, Im looking at you). Many people felt this years Academy Awards were particularly Hollywood biased there was not even a whisper of Marion Cotillard's great acting/directing for Rust and Bone. Kathryn Bigelow and Ben Affleck were both overlooked for Director and of course Leo DiCaprio got snubbed for his outstanding work in Django Unchained. So in honour of the Academys annual insanity Ive put together a list of all the nominations in the past fifteen years that I felt were out of place or strange. In truth some of these are just strange coincidences but more often than not they are just plain wrong...