10 Strangest Reasons Actors Lost Out On HUGE Movie Roles

7. Mark Strong Blew His Bond Audition After A Heavy Night On The Town With A Future Bond - James Bond

Charlie Cox

Speaking of getting wasted before one of those potentially career-changing moments in an actor's life, Mark Strong also learned the hard way that enjoying a bevvy too many in the hours leading up to a meeting can often have disastrous consequences.

Coming during the '90s era that saw Pierce Brosnan sporting the iconic suit of 007, the future Kingsman and Sherlock Holmes star was so overjoyed about pulling off the feat of actually learning his lines for the upcoming audition for a villainous James Bond role that he "went out for a drink, and got pissed."

As the Brit would recall (via THR), though, "I overdid it and the next day I was severely hungover." Instead of requesting another date for his vital audition, Strong eventually gritted his teeth and attempted to get through the meeting whilst nursing a no doubt dreadful head, adding:

"I started, then I just forgot my lines, couldn’t remember what they were and they all just kind of fell apart. I was sweating, it was a terrible experience — but I really learned from it.”

Adding insult to injury, however, was the fact that the person the actor was partying with the night before only turned out to be the next Bond himself Daniel bloody Craig, with Strong defiantly declaring, "I blame him!”

License to spill, more like.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...