10 Strangest Ways Movies Got Spoiled

These movies got spoiled in ways NOBODY expected.

Fight Club Rosie O'Donnell

No matter what you think about modern spoiler culture and our collective attitude towards it, it can be incredibly annoying having a movie needlessly spoiled totally out of nowhere when you weren't actively seeking the information out - especially if it's a movie you were soon planning to watch.

And while it's not uncommon for films to be spoiled by, say, merchandise prepared months ahead of time, sometimes the spoiling comes from a most bizarre and unexpected source.

And that's most certainly the case with these 10 movies, each of which had their most pertinent plot details given away in a manner few could've seen coming.

From an Oscar nomination revealing a certain thriller's big secret, to a careless soundtrack listing spoiling one of the biggest movies ever, and a loud-mouthed talk show host just giving it all away without a care in the world, these movies were all spoiled in wildly unexpected fashion.

The lesson here, if there is one at all? No matter how hard you might try to avoid spoilers by muting words on social media and so on, there's always the possibility that you'll be spoiled in a way you never could've foreseen...

10. Sylvester Stallone Tweeted The Last Page Of The Script - Creed

Fight Club Rosie O'Donnell

Though it's not uncommon for outside parties to inadvertently spoil movies, it's rare for one of the stars to do the damage themselves.

But that's what Sylvester Stallone did in December 2014, when he tweeted an image showing off the final page of the script to Rocky spin-off Creed, a whole three weeks before it was set to start shooting.

Stallone seemingly didn't appreciate the fidelity of modern phone cameras, as any of his millions of Twitter followers could simply flip the image, zoom in, and read everything on the page.

And so, this image not only spoiled that Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan) would win his climactic fight, but more surprisingly that Rocky (Stallone) would battle cancer throughout the film - and seemingly makes it to the end of the movie alive.

Though some fans initially believed Stallone to be simply toying with them, both of those plot points ended up being totally legitimate. 

There are worse things to spoil than Rocky movies, which are rarely jam-packed with surprises as it is, but all the same, it's mind-bogglingly careless to think that people wouldn't take a closer look at that script page.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.