10 Strangest Ways Movies Got Spoiled

5. The Tagline Spoiled The Twist - Ender's Game

Fight Club Rosie O'Donnell

This one's almost insane enough to be genuinely brilliant, by hiding the twist in plain sight in the movie's marketing - but not quite.

The posters and trailers for sci-fi action film Ender's Game prominently featured the tagline "This is not a game," which at face value might simply seem like a fun play on the movie's title in an attempt to sell it in a "cool" way.

But in actuality, it's an unequivocal spoiler for the movie's climactic twist, that the "simulation" protagonist Ender (Asa Butterfield) has been partaking in against the alien race known as the Formics was actually a real combat scenario, and he's just unknowingly committed genocide against the Formics.

Again, it's almost genius, but the tagline was ultimately a little too cute for its own good, as even many who hadn't read Orson Scott Card's acclaimed source material cottoned onto what the big reveal would be before the movie came out.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.