10 STUPIDLY Obvious Movies Hollywood Is Ignoring

5. The Otori Trilogy

The Otori Trilogy

Lian Hearn's Otori Trilogy is, unarguably, the greatest fantasy epic yet to make it into cinema. The five books, and the core trilogy they contain, paint an extraordinary vision of a fictional feudal Japan complete with warring kingdoms and supernatural creatures. At their heart, a young man named Otori Takeo who goes from fleeing his burning village to changing the course of the entire world.

While the books decidedly Asian influence is likely what's kept it from getting a major production in the past, Hollywood's growing acceptance of that market means it becomes an increasingly more appealing proposition every single year. That, combined with the visual feeling of Justin Kurzel's stunning adaptation of MacBeth, means this will eventually be a critical and commercial no-brainer.

Best of all, the way Hearn (whose real name is actually Gillian Rubinstein) created the novels, means that Across The Nightingale Floor functions perfectly as a standalone movie. Grass for His Pillow, Brilliance of the Moon, The Harsh Cry of the Heron, and the prequel Heaven's Net Is Wide naturally following if the box office necessitates.

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