10 Subtle Comic Book Movie Details You Definitely Didn't Notice

4. The Prisoner Stripes - Guardians Of The Galaxy

Guardians Legs
Marvel Studios

During the prison scene in Guardians Of The Galaxy, the soon-to-be crew are decked out in yellow prisoner attire, which each seemingly marked by different alien symbols on their legs. They're actually a key to what crimes the wearer has committed.

So more crimes means a bigger symbol (which is why Star-Lord has such a little one and Gamora has a much bigger one). James Gunn even took time to clarify that each different stripe "is a category (murder, arson, burglary, grievous bodily harm). The pattern of each stripe explains a bit more exactly about the crime and its severity (a sort of criminal law morse code)."

He also confirmed what each character's stripes mean:

Rocket's are mercenary activity, grievous bodily harm, arson (he blows up a lot of stuff), escape from prison, and, I believe, public drunkenness.Quill's crimes are penny-ante robbery, grift, criminal conspiracy (from his gang involvement with the Ravagers), and having sex with members of a royal family (consensual but on some planets considered an outrageous crime for someone from his caste).Gamora keeps things simple with her long list of murders and assassinations, all at the behest of Thanos.And Drax's crimes are grievous bodily harm, murder, and every variety of destroying stuff you can imagine.

He also originally planned to have pants on Groot, which he'd rip off straight away, but the CGI cost was too high to justify it.


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