10 Subtle Pixar Movie Details You Definitely Didn't Notice

5. Randall's Poster - Monsters University

Monsters University Winds Of Change

In Monsters Inc, it's fairly quickly established that there's a fierce - and unfriendly - rivalry between Sully and Mike and Randall, who turns out to be one of the villains of the piece. And we see this in close detail when Randall confronts the pair of heroes in the locker room and arrogantly brags about beating Sully to the all-time scare record.

He taunts Sully with the line "shhh, do you hear that? It's the winds of change" before he leaves them to stew. It's an iconic line, so when the time came to make Monsters University, the film-makers decided to pay homage to it. In the dorm that Randall and Mike share, an inspirational poster above the future bad guy's bed reads "Winds of Change: Shhh. Do you hear that?"

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