10 Subtle Pixar Movie Details You Definitely Didn't Notice

3. Jacques' Obsessive Cleaning Paid Off - Finding Dory

Finding Dory Bags

At the end of Finding Nemo, we see the band of determined Tank Gang escaping the dentist's office and heading out to sea in their temporary plastic bag prisons. For years, fans probably assumed that they somehow got out and would now be enjoying their lives in the ocean once more.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case, as the post-credits scene in Finding Dory reveals that they're still in their bag prisons, even though they've made it all the way across the Pacific. Naturally all of their bags are covered in algae as they've had no way to clean it up. Well, not all of them, actually...

Obsessive cleaner Jacques - who decontaminates Nemo in the first movie - is actually still in a pristine bag.

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