10 Subtle Signs Movie Characters Weren't Telling The Truth

9. J.D. Speaks German - Heathers

Jurassic Park John Hammond
New World Pictures

In the classic black comedy Heathers, Veronica (Winona Ryder) is seduced by the rebellious new outsider at her high school, J.D. (Christian Slater), who hatches a plan to humiliate bullies Kurt (Lance Fenton) and Ram (Patrick Labyorteaux).

The plan? Lure them into the woods, shoot them both with tranquilisers, and stage the scene to look like they were lovers taking part in a suicide pact.

Crucially, J.D. tells Veronica that the bullets are "Ich Lüge bullets" which his grandfather acquired during World War II, which break the skin when fired but cause no lasting harm.

But if you know your German, you might also know that "Ich Lüge" actually translates to "I lie," indicating that J.D. is being dishonest about the bullets' true nature.

Hell, before J.D. talks about the bullets, he even asks Veronica if she takes German, presumably to ensure she won't immediately see through his playful little ruse. She replies that she studies French, so he's all good.

And so as it turns out, the bullets indeed aren't tranquilisers - they're real bullets, resulting in J.D. and Veronica straight-up killing Kurt and Ram.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.