10 Superhero Films You Won't Believe Could Have Happened

5. Jack Black's Green Lantern

Jack Black Green Lantern
Warner Bros.


This one isn't exactly what it sounds like. No, Jack Black would NOT have played Hal Jordan. Instead, he would've played Jud Plato, the star of a fictional reality TV show about gross-out foods. The Power Ring would've malfunctioned and ended up on his hand, and... yeah. Let's run through some of the things that the writer, SNL alum and Triumph the Insult Comic Dog creator Robert Smigel, put to paper.

He would've worn a fanny pack.

After defeating Sinestro, a giant, Pikachu-shaped asteroid would've barrelled towards Earth.

He would've used the ring to summon green versions of the Beatles to play while he trained with the Corps (also Britney Spears, just because).

He would've gotten bored with the Corps explaining the history of the Lanterns, so they would've created a bunch of green Muppets to put on an explanatory musical number.

He would've trapped a group of criminals in a giant condom.

TWO whole cameos by Flavor Flav.


The studio considered just not calling it Green Lantern, instead making it an original character. Fan backlash was swift, and the project died.

But honestly... could it have been THAT much worse than the one we got? At least this one would've been funny on purpose.


Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.