10 Superhero Movie Clichés Everybody Secretly Loves

8. The Hero Is Somehow Vilified

Avengers Age of Ultron
Columbia Pictures

Doing a good thing doesn't mean people will love you. It doesn't even mean people will like you. Sometimes people will even hate you for it. It may sound unfair but for some heroes, despite doing what's best for the people they try to protect, they still face the brunt of the criticism or are downright vilified for doing so.

Whether it's The X-Men or Batman or Spider-Man, it seems that heroes can never rely on the admiration or congratulation of those they save to motivate them. It may be due to a villain's manipulation or simply J. Jonah Jameson, but either way, superheroes often come under fire for doing the right thing, and it can get frustrating.

It angers us to see their good deeds turned into acts of hatred, but when heroes still choose to protect them, even without any expectation of compliments or praise, we can't help but idolise them, even if the people they protect won't.

These unrequited acts of justice show that heroes' true motivations aren't in some selfish need for approval but in a desire to do good, and there's nothing more heroic and admirable than that.

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