10 Superhero Movies That Broke All The Rules

1. Chronicle

Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse
20th Century Studios

Wish fulfilment is an important element to all superhero films. While many focus on the darker or more dangerous side of great power (which of course comes with great responsibility), there’s no scene more key, especially in an origin story, than the moment in which the hero gets to grips with their newfound abilities and explores them to thrilling effect.

The underrated found footage movie Chronicle sees three high school kids bestowed with incredible powers after locating a mysterious orb, and at first, all is rosy. They enjoy their telekinetic abilities as kids would, mucking around and causing mischief.

In most superhero movies they’d then learn a harsh lesson and dedicate themselves to doing good, but Chronicle takes a darker path: be careful what you wish for. Andrew, the most damaged of the trio, has leapt to the top of the societal pecking order thanks to his new powers, and the former victim of bullying has only revenge on his mind,

A smartly made low budget affair, Chronicle smartly subverts familiar superhero tropes to tell an impactful story about the lasting effects of bullying and abuse.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)