10 Sure Signs You Are An Utter Film Nerd

Scream A person might consider themselves a film nerd based on their rabid affinity for a certain franchise ("I own everything Lord of the Rings!") or how many times they've watched their favorite movie ("I saw Titanic, like, 10 times when it came out"). And there is nothing sadder and more tiresome than some pathetic internet-dweller proclaiming that only a certain few can claim true nerd status for a certain interest. That being said, I'd like to submit some of the characteristics relating to a certain depth of cinematic obsession that may be considered unhealthy for anybody who doesn't actually work in the film industry. In other words, if you don't exhibit at least some of the following characteristics, you can't claim true film nerd status. Without further ado, then, let's take a look at what I've conjured up: how many of these traits do you exhibit?

10. You Hate It When People Talk During Films, But Do It Yourself To Offer Up "Interesting Facts"

Freeze Talk You're in the theatre or at home with a group of friends with all the lights dimmed. The mood, the music, the acting... everyone is completely absorbed by the masterful cinematic experience happening before their very eyes, and then it happens. Either some stranger in the audience starts muttering some inanity or your friend makes some joke about Elijah Wood's face and the mood is entirely broken. Everyone's immersion into another world is shattered. It's the worst. And yet... despite your absolute vitriol towards people talking, you sometimes can't help yourself if you know an interesting tidbit about the movie. "See that grain on the screen? David Fincher and his DP decided to shoot the film with spherical lenses instead of anamorphic due to the practical locations, but with spherical lenses, the negative has to be blown up for 35mm. So that's why it looks that way." Then one of your friend tells that you're a hypocrite and you respond with "My comments, unlike yours, are actually enriching our viewing experience!"
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I am a writer based in Salt Lake City, UT. I am currently revising a novel and maintain a feverish, certifiable obsession with all things film, literature and politics.