10 Surefire Oscar Contenders Still To Come In 2013

2. The Wolf Of Wall Street

the wolf of wall street dicaprioWhat Is It: I am almost positive that based on the sparse information we had, no one expected satirical comedy from a Scorcese/DiCaprio film. The Wolf of Wall Street is an adaptation of New York stockbroker Jordan Belfort€™s (Leonardo DiCaprio) memoirs. While the trailer displays a lighthearted and darker comedic tone (tossing midgets at dart boards should replace Baseball as America's past time), anyone familiar with the story knows that things go to hell and a hand basket with the mob. There's also orgies with Jonah Hill which sounds both riveting and eye scarring. Why It Could Win Awards: Martin Scorcese is seemingly going back to the style of story similar to Goodfellas and Casino except flipping the presentation sideways. I would be shocked if a Scorcese crime comedy thriller was not nominated for Best Picture. This is what he excels most at and where most his classics lie. If Scorcese somehow isn€™t convincing enough, the script is penned by Terrence Winter of Boardwalk Empire fame. Back to DiCaprio though, it is definitely foreseeable that this might be his year to take home a golden statue. From the trailer (and even moments in The Great Gatsby) he shows awareness and knowledge of comedic timing and delivery. Matthew McConaughey will also seemingly continue his streak of putting on good performances in good movies. I have no idea what that humming is he's doing during the trailer but it is hypnotically hilarious and contagious.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.