10 Surprise Movie Villain Reveals Everyone Hated
9. Ares (David Thewlis) - Wonder Woman
Though both audiences and Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) herself expected General Ludendorff (Danny Huston) to be revealed as the disguise for the God of War, Ares, it turns out that the real Ares was actually hiding in plain sight the entire time.
Ares is in fact under the guise of Sir Patrick Morgan (David Thewlis), a speaker for peace on the Imperial War Cabinet, who inevitably explains his true intent once Ludendorff has been defeated.
Again, it wasn't so much the reveal itself as how it was revealed that left fans so thoroughly underwhelmed.
For starters, director Patty Jenkins made the misguided decision to have Thewlis be digitally superimposed underneath Ares' armour, which was nothing if not unintentionally hilarious.
Within hours of the movie's release, memes were spreading about "Nigel Thornberry" being the bad guy, and as much as we love Thewlis, it would've made so much more sense for his Ares to transform into a dark, shadowy figure inside the armour. Instead, they made him look as patently ridiculous as possible.
It wouldn't have done much to improve the relatively generic, CGI-soaked final battle, but at least we wouldn't have been giggling through it like schoolchildren.